Float Control Brings Custom Shaping to VESC

Surfdado explains Float Control in his latest YouTube video.

Surfdado explains Float Control in his latest YouTube video.

Float Control Update

One realm that the VESC platform is seriously lacking in is user experience. Fortunately, we’ve got a bunch of passionate people constantly working to improve the open-source project. Recently, surfdado updated his Float Control app to version 1.5. The update brings with it the ability to set custom shaping profiles and easily switch in between them, something that I’ve sorely missed after switching to VESC from Future Motion’s Onewheel.

Float Control has a ton of other useful features and surfdado takes the time to walk us through them in his most recent YouTube video:

But What is VESC?

If you're absolutely new to the DIY onewheel world, check out our brief article here.

T.K. Garrett

Yo! I am a onewheel nerd based in Pensacola, FL. Given the choice, I’d rather be hitting some singletrack than riding on pavement. I also enjoy 3D printing, woodworking, and hiking.


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