
What is Pushback? Future Motion Explains in New Video
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What is Pushback? Future Motion Explains in New Video

Future Motion has released a video which addresses one of the main safety features of a Onewheel: pushback. As the video explains, this function is intended to warn a rider when they are approaching the limits of the board. Kyle Doerksen (CEO) and Jack Mudd (Marketing Director) both appear on camera to demonstrate the physics of a self-balancing vehicle and the reasoning behind pushback.

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Welcome to The Spinning Magnet
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Welcome to The Spinning Magnet

Hello! My name is T.K. and I spend way too much of my time riding, repairing, building, and simply thinking about onewheels. So much, that I felt like it would be best to give myself a creative outlet related to my favorite sport. The website is pretty bare bones at the moment, but I have a lot of content planned for the future. So, welcome and please stay posted!

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